My take on a small town romance and the first in a series of love stories set in the fictional southern town of Langston Lake, North Carolina.


 One night brought them together and tore them apart.

Three years ago, Amadi popped up in NYC for an art gallery and bumped into Marie, his childhood friend from Langston Lake, and the woman he fell in love with before they both left the town to pursue creative passions. One night, a bed, and his truth are the start of Marie’s personal undoing. She can’t handle him in bed or the fact that he’s in love with her, and leaves his heart hanging in the balance.

Now, Marie’s matured enough to realize the mistakes she made but knows she’ll never get the chance to right that wrong. Until a crisis in their hometown calls her back to a place she swore she’d never return to.

Amidst family drama and uncertainty about her life and career, Marie finds her second chance with the man of her dreams. But is Amadi willing to take the risk of opening up to Marie after years of her intentional silence?

Madi & Marie:

A Langston Lake Novella


Meet Marie. . .the daughter of Langston Lake’s wealthiest land owners. Marie returns home to settle past debts with her family while hopefully winning over the man she ghosted three years ago.

Meet Amadi… A renaissance man in every since of the word, resident of Langston Lake, and the source of Marie’s angst, heartache, and desire.


Every lesson warned against him, but the heart has its own rules. . .

Natalia, the indispensable assistant to one of the most influential Black tech moguls, can’t help but be captivated by his brazen younger brother, Tim, the force behind their security. Every lesson handed down from her mother screams that he’s danger wrapped in charisma. And oh, how he thrives in that knowledge, moving with a confidence that says he’s known many women’s touch. For Tim, Natalia’s just another name to add to the long list of beautiful women he’s conquered. He can’t fathom being tied down until Natalia becomes the calm that helps him weather his personal storms.


When an unexpected run-in with Natalia’s ex blurs boundaries, the simmering tension between them bubbles over. With every stolen glance and touch, they plunge deeper into an unexpected intimacy. Natalia has her own dark past to reckon with, but Tim’s shadowy past and unsolved demons loom just as large, challenging a bond neither saw coming.

Book cover for #CurrentlyUntitled by Tia Love


A Langston Lake Drama

Set in the distant hills of Langston Lake, Divinity is the most prestigious zip code in this fictional Black Mecca. The successful and ridiculously wealthy call this quiet, cultured suburb home.

Desperate is a 3-part series following three Divinity residents: Selah, Elle, and Genevieve. Separately, they’re dealing with divorces, dating nightmares, and complicated marriages, but their unshakable sisterhood is the foundation that anchors them to joy and resilience. Even when the winds blow, they bend, never break.

Selah Beecher is a 33yo divorcee and erotica writer. Her ability to craft stories with climaxes that are felt off-page is foiled by the fact that she hasn't been intimate with a man in two years. Selah's desperate to finish her book, and when she meets Divinity's newest resident, retired basketball player Amir Jackson, he has all the tools to unlock a "happy ending." For her book, her body, and her life. 

**This is a 3-part series. Selah's installments are part one.


Sex. Success. No Stress. That’s Morgan Jenkins’ personal life motto. At 32, the owner of the Philly-based bookstore, Afrodisiac is a vixen and used to having her way with men, making it easy for her to detach when ready. And though many have tried, none have ever succeeded in locking her into a monogamous relationship. Until Gillespie.

The ink has dried on his divorce papers and Gillespie Rodriguez is ready for a fresh start, and a better outlook on life. . . and love. Nothing would make him happier than to end his self-induced celibacy and find a woman to call home, and when Morgan hires him as her landscaper, he’s sure he’s found that home.

Gillespie comes with a lot of baggage and secrets that threaten to ruin any real chance he has for something real with the woman he’s sure God made just for him.

Personal beliefs, old insecurities, and heavy sexual chemistry clash between the two as Gillespie tries to win Morgan’s heart while withholding his truth. Morgan, stunned by Gillespie’s stern refusal to give her sex with no strings attached, vows to make him surrender, but she doesn’t know Gillespie can play games, too.

Find out if Gillespie can unravel the thread on everything Morgan thinks she knows about love, sex, and romance in Afrodisiac.

 i can have

it all series

Book One

Book Two

Brandon Sims has it all. The brain that produces million-dollar ideas, the charming personality to get what he wants, and the looks to seduce any willing bachelorette. According to his mother, the only thing that’s missing is a wife and kids, and the more time he spends with his personal assistant, Calliope, the more he agrees with her. Calliope represents everything he wants in a woman – educated, ambitious, and so damn sexy. The easiest thing for him to do would be to marry the woman of his dreams, but the hard part is convincing Calliope to cross the solid boundaries she’s set up to see that she is that woman.

Calliope Matthews has given ten years of her life to Brandon as his personal assistant and never once expressed her true feelings for the man who’s the hottest thing in her city, Together, they make a formidable team in the business world, and Calliope knows they could be just as impressive in other positions, but she isn’t interested in becoming another notch on the infamous playboy’s belt. Now, after a string of bad dates and on the cusp of making a crucial reproductive decision, she’s considering the cost of telling him everything and changing their relationship from professional to personal.

What do you do when the love isn’t enough anymore?

Five years. A husband and a set of twins. A new business. Calliope has achieved every goal on her vision board since leaving her job as a personal assistant to one of Seattle’s prominent tech CEOs to marry him and have his babies. Now, with her eccentric twins turning six, it’s time to focus more time and energy on her PR agency, Creative Connections. As she’s establishing her name as the go-to for public relations on the West coast, the furthest thing from her mind is getting pregnant again, but her husband has his own plans.

Brandon Sims is used to two things: success and getting his way. His life as CEO of Payout, Inc, and husband to one of the baddest women in the world has taught him that there’s nothing that he can’t have or do. That’s why Calliope’s adamant refusal to even entertain the idea of more kids has him having thoughts that threaten to topple everything they’ve built together.

When their bond is tested, and misunderstandings put the relationship in danger, can they hit the reset button and remember what brought them together in the first place?


book one

What do you do when God gifts a second chance with the one who got away?

For Levi Anthony, the answer is simple – you get your girl back. Ten years and some miles apart have not kept Levi’s mind and heart off his ex. Chanera is the first girl to own his heart, have his body, and the only one he ever saw a serious future with. Because of his own foolish mistakes, she’s the one who got away and the one who wants nothing to do with him.

Ten years ago, Chanera Thomas had her entire life planned out - from the job she would work and the house she would live in, down to the husband she’d give babies to. But Levi, pulled a disappearing act their junior year of college for a reason Chanera still doesn’t know. In the present, he is eternally crossed off her list, and she doesn’t give him a real second thought until he walks into the cabin where she and the rest of the bridal party will spend the next week in celebration of her best friends’ nuptials. Despite Levi’s blatant attempts to fix what he broke all those years ago, she’s not interested in reconciliation. However, her body is ready to violate every boundary for a chance to reunite with the man who taught her everything she knows about making love. What’s a week in the sheets between old lovers?

Will a week secluded in a cozy cabin surrounded by couples in love be enough to help Levi woo his way back into Chanera’s heart? Is Chanera strong enough to give in to her body’s desires and still walk away from Levi the same way he did all those years ago?

Forever Mine Series

book two

 It’s Valentine’s Day weekend, and Chanera & Levi are spending it staring at each other through a screen. At least, that’s what Levi wants Chanera to believe.

After ten years apart, the old high school sweethearts are finally back together. Unfortunately, the road to forever is rockier this time around. Therapy and time helped Levi deal with the demons that drove him away from the only woman he’s ever loved. Still, he can’t get past the final obstacle to marriage and babies with his dream girl - her fears and insecurities.

Chanera wants to drop her inhibitions and fall for the guy who’s held her heart captive since the eleventh grade. He’s saying all the right things, playing all the right cards, and touching her in all the right ways, but she still can’t get over how he left her unexpectedly and without explanation all those years ago. It doesn’t help that her best friend Paris is avidly and vocally against the relationship.

This holiday weekend, can Levi show up for Chanera in a way that brings her the acceptance she needs to fully bask in her love for him?

Or will Paris’ criticisms and Chanera’s insecurities win and take her away from the love of her life again?

‘90’s kinda love

Popular sex columnist and IG Influencer Mescia Simpson is on the hunt for the man she can take serious and experience the kind of love her parents have shared for 40 years, but her dating life is nowhere near as glamorous as her supporters think it is. She’s ready to resign herself to a life of living vicariously through her readers when she meets Alex McKinney. Alex is everything Mescia claims she wants, so why is she running from her happily ever after?